Now that you have your QR code for your site or for your VBC, we will
help you tell your friends and contacts about it!
This is an important step! You should do it now and for each new QR code you get from us!
And get this... for each of your friends who creates a free QR code, we'll give
you FIVE additional entries to the drawing,
FREE! You can share as often as you like, and share as many QR codes as you like!
How do you do it?
Just use any of the Sharing tools below (either the Social Site buttons, or the email option), and your
bonus entries will be
awarded automatically
whenever your friends visit and use the site!
Simple! Good luck! -
See more
Click one of the icons above to share your QR code on your favorite
social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or many many more... (Make sure you are logged into your social networking
site before trying to share!)
Option 2: Send out an email with your QR
code to your contacts! (This is HIGHLY recommended!)
Here's a powerful way of getting your QR code out! Use this section to import your address book
from all the popular email service providers (Gmail, Yahoo, etc!) Once you've imported your contact list, you can pick and
choose who to invite to see your QR code, or just select them all with one click! We've prepared a special invitation and
attached your QR code to be sent to every person you enter.
Here's an example of how your outgoing invitation will appear!
 | Hi YOUR FRIENDS NAME, Check out my new QR Code! Just scan my code with your smartphone
to either go right to my webpage or load my contact info right into your phone!
Click on it to get your own FREE
QR code AND enter the iPad Mini drawing... It works for Virtual Business Cards, webpages, or even a "Call Me Now"
QR Code. I get extra drawing entries if you create a QR code, so go get yours free too! :) Click here
to scan my QR code or to get your own! Best regards, Your
Name |
See more at:
Free Service is provided courtesy of The ICANetwork
Cash-in on the Sokule Revolution...
Post on Sokule and Facebook INSTANTLY!
Click the Sokule Icon above to go
directly to the page which explains all about Sokule. 
Click on the Sokule Icon to find out more about
It's a 1-Click system
to reach over 100,000 Subscribers.
How Kule is that ;)